There may be a time that you or someone you know needs help, but don’t know exactly what kind of assistance is available – let alone how to access it. 211 can assist by helping clarify your personal situation and then utilize an extensive up-to-date database to determine the best resource(s) for you. 211 is where you go when you don’t know where to turn for help, acting as a single point of contact to thousands of social service programs.
WHAT IS 211?
211 is a free, comprehensive, confidential information and referral system linking Iowans to health and human service programs, community services, disaster services and governmental programs. 211 is a one-stop source of information for people looking for services. Nationally 211 is to social services what 911 is to emergency services.
Utilizing a comprehensive computerized database of more than 13,000 nonprofit and public programs and services, trained information and Referral Specialists give personalized attention to each caller. Specialists can refer callers to a variety of service that best meets their needs. 211 is the number to call when you aren’t sure who to call.
Assistance is available in multiple languages, and services are accessible to people with disabilities. Languages can be assisted with use of our Language Line translation service that can translate 150 languages.

The Federal Communications Commission designated 211 the national community service and volunteer number in July of 2000.
There may come a time that you or someone you know needs help, but don’t know exactly what kind of assistance is available – let alone how to access it. 211 can assist by help clarify your personal situation and then utilize an extensive up-to-date database to determine the best resource(s) for you. 211 is where you go when you don’t know where to turn for help, acting as a single point of contact to thousands of social service programs.
211 in Iowa follows standards recommended by Inform USA. The The Inform USA Standards and Quality Indicators for Professional Information and Referral are reviewed and published regularly and are free to view online.
Families seeking services for their children
Seniors seeking legal assistance, benefits help, volunteer opportunities
Businesses helping an employee find resources to help their family
Laid-off workers struggling to feed their families
Disaster victims seeking information
Teachers, clergy, and agency staff seeking help for their clients
Anyone seeking services in their community