Volunteer Hub


"Meaningful change for our community takes commitment. Whether you’re a doer, a giver, a leader (or all three), there is a place for you as a United Way volunteer."
Megan Brincks, Director of UWSEIA Tweet
Whether you can only volunteer for a day, or a whole week, United Way of Southeast Iowa has been working hard with its local agencies to organize our Volunteer efforts.
We work with GivePulse to help create opportunities not only for our agencies, but for you as a volunteer, to seek out a position that could help you further your volunteering career.
If you have any questions regarding these volunteer opportunities, consider reaching out to the agencies themselves. Otherwise, please feel free to contact office@unitedwayseia.org with your inquiries.
It can be hard finding the time in the working world to go out and volunteer. However, did you know many places of employment offer Volunteer Time Off or “Give Back” Time? Where your place of employment will pay you to volunteer! Speak with your boss today, to find out if you qualify.
Are you ready to take action and start making change happen in our community? Then you’re not alone. Volunteers like you are what continue to drive our mission forward, helping to serve the most vulnerable populations.
But Volunteering doesn’t always have to be so cut and dry. Our community is vastly creative in the ways that we raise up our neighbors, and you should be too!

It isn’t a trend, DIY volunteering is a common practice often used by many groups such as the scouts to teach children the importance of volunteering. These can be as simple as picking up a bit of trash in the park, or donating your old clothes to charity.
For those unfamiliar with the practice, or perhaps just trying to get into the volunteering scene, we have a list of simple but effective options to get you in the groove:
DIY Volunteer Ideas – Volunteering Doesn’t Have To Be Complicated.

Is your organization or workplace looking to build team chemistry? Perhaps you and your friends want to make a difference in our community? Are you looking for help on organizing a large scale team building exercise, and want to unite with others to make that happen?
Look no further. Let United Way help you coordinate the ideal opportunity for you and your company to volunteer as a group. Volunteering not only provides a rewarding experience to all those involved, but helps to engage your employees in meaningful conversations that will allow them to build trust between each other. These experiences not only have been shown to increase productivity, but also increase retention amongst staff that feel their company truly is making a difference in the world.
If you would like to learn more about what opportunities United Way has, please fill out the form below!