Annual Campaign

Live United: Its a credo. A mission. A goal. 

A constant reminder that when we reach out a hand to one, we influence the condition of all. We build the strength of our neighborhoods. We bolster the health of our community. And we change the lives of those who walk by us every day.

2023 Annual Campaign Goal:

Funds raised will help support 11 local health care and human service agencies who provide programs for residents in our 40-mile service area. Program services reach residents in Des Moines, Henry, Lee and Louisa counties in Iowa and parts of Henderson and Hancock counties in Illinois.

United Way funded agencies receive allocations beginning in January following the annual campaign.

The demand for services is increasing and resources are often strained. Working with many partners, United Way continually looks for long-term ways to ensure that people who need assistance are able to obtain that help. Thank you for your thoughtful consideration to join this community-wide effort. It is appreciated by many.

Contribution Information: Contributions and/or pledges are accepted by United Way throughout the year. Donations may be sent to the address below or through our PayPal Donate site. Thank you for your support!