Our History

The Burlington Community Chest, Inc. operated from 1925 until 1973, when the name was formally changed to Burlington Area United Way, Inc. 
In 1995 the organization name was changed to its current title: Burlington/West Burlington Area United Way, Inc. 

Allocations to local service organizations in 1925 totaled $45,800. Those receiving funds were: YMCA – $10,500; YWCA – $10,000; Boy Scouts – $4,800; Humane Society – $700; Salvation Army – $3,000; Jennie Coulter Day Nursery – $2,000; Red Cross – $2,000; Tuberculosis Association – $2,000; Social Service League – $10,800.

Currently the Burlington/West Burlington Area United Way is directed by a volunteer 24-member Board of Directors, with a 9-member Executive Committee. The Executive Committee reviews all matters of the United Way and forwards recommendations to the full Board of Directors. Recommendations are voted on by the Board of Directors, whose decisions are final.

Throughout its history, the United Way has strived to assist local health and human service agencies to better the quality of life for the area residents.